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Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Days of the Week: Praise Him!

When I was a kid, we use to sing a song about grumblers who "Grumbled all week long". Mom use to play it on the piano, and my brother and I would belt it out beside her. Here's a video of some people singing part of it on YouTube. (It's quite funny, really.)

Anyway, I always think of this song when telling the kids what's going on during the week as we go through each day. So, I changed the song (but kept the chorus tune) to teach them the days of the week.

Praise God All Week Long!

Praise Him Sunday, Monday, Tuesday. Praise Him Wednesday too!
Praise Him Thursday, Friday Saturday- Praise Him the Whole Week through!

The Grumbling song starts with Monday, but I wanted to teach the kids the days of the week in the same order as they are on the calendar. Our Praise God song is a hit. It's easy to memorize, and fun to sing!

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